Oh Cleve, so I'm having your baby. Big deal. This doesn't have to change things between us. You can still come over and visit. I won't cause trouble for you and your other ladies. Yes, I know about the other ladies. It's ok really. I don't mind. Just so long as you don't forget about me.
And you don't come over unannounced. You know not every man is willing to sleep with a pregnant woman. Luckily Abhijeet isn't every man. I like Cleve. I might even love him. But I need more than he can give. I need other men to satisfy my urges.
I was working on another conquest when I went into labor. Now there's a way to turn a man off. I was so close to seeing what he wears under that kilt. Instead he sees what I have hiding down below.
After a lot of pain I gave birth to a beautiful little girl. I named her Kristen.
Cleve stopped by to see her. We had some fun. Then we had some more. Cleve is the best.
Kristen was soon a toddler. Do you know how much nannies cost? I am flat broke. My career isn't taking off that fast. Bill collectors are knocking down my door. I may have to do something drastic. I may have to find a roommate.
Kristen Bruty - G2 - S2, blond, brown eyes - Libra - 0 neat, 10 outgoing, 3 active, 8 playful & 4 nice.
Well I did it. I asked Abhijeet to move in. I really hope this doesn't blow up in my face.
Abhijeet Deppiesse - townie - S3, black hair, grey eyes - Taurus - 5 neat, 5 outgoing, 3 active, 8 playful & 4 nice - Romance - Lifetime goal to become a Celebrity Chef.
Ummm. Life is good. Sandy and I work different shifts. When she's away, the cat will play. Sandy never has to know.
Well this isn't so bad. So far I've been able to manage to keep Cleve and Abhijeet both satisfied and both oblivious of each other.
Well this isn't so bad. Sandy is here whenever I want her. I find time to squeeze my other ladies in. No, this could work out. Just so long as I don't get sloppy.
Cleve came by for Kristen's birthday. I rewarded him for his efforts. Abhijeet was at work after all. I'm afraid that Kristen getting older may put a damper on things. Man, I hope not.
Sheesh, all these tramps running around Ugton! :-) Well, as long as everyone's having fun, then nobody should be getting hurt. Right? .... Kristen's a cutie too!
Tramps is an understatement. *ROTFL*
But I like this whole "illegitimate child" thing. Good idea! ;O)
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