Saturday, January 07, 2006

Bruty House - Week 2

Bruty House - Sandy Bruty (Romance), Abhijeet Deppiesse (Romance) & Kristen Bruty.

(by Sandy)

Life has been really good lately. Abhijeet is the most amazing man. I find myself falling deeper in love with him every day. That is not something that I intended. You know I haven't chased a single man except him lately. I did give Cleveland a little something when he stopped by but that doesn't count. No, Abhijeet is the one for me. I am perfectly happy to give almost all my love to him.

Of course Abhijeet has been working really hard lately to earn promotions at work. He longs to be a celebrity chef and that takes a lot of hard work and dedication. So I've kept myself busy helping Kristen with homework and talking on the phone to friends. Mainly we talk about Demi Tellermans forthcoming book. From the looks of things the entire neighborhood has visited Cleve's bedroom and have the children to prove it. Some of the girls are quite upset about the book but not me. Just so long as I get a piece of the royalties that is. I will won't I?

You know Abhijeet is so dedicated that he even spends his time studying when I'm at work. It seems like that's all he does lately is study...and pleasure me of course.

So, you're the new Diva in town. Tell me all about it.

Abhijeet surprised me with a house makeover. I think he was inspired by the work over at the LeTourneau house. We knocked down a few walls to make the place roomier and built a second floor. I wasn't at all sure about the project until Abhijeet reminded me that Kristen's room could be put on the second floor. Then we'd have a little more privacy and I could make a little more noise. I really don't know what I'd do without Abhijeet. For the first time in my life I can say that I am truly in love. It's an amazing feeling.

Well Kristen has excelled at school. She's sweet, playful and fairly friendly. Her best friend in the whole world is the boy next door Joe LeTourneau. He comes over all the time to play with her. Of course I'd do anything I could to escape from that house too. Abhijeet and I both fear the aliens after what they've had happen. We won't buy a telescope just in case.

So my baby had a birthday. We didn't have a party because we were just to busy. Well Abhijeet and I were busy making whoopy when her birthday rolled around. I actually forgot. I didn't mean to I was just distracted. Abhijeet has that affect on me.

So the only thing that Kristen wanted for her birthday was a grown up bed. So I bought her one to go in her new room. Kristen has gotten to know her father lately. They talk on the phone but I have no idea about what. Really I'm scared to ask.

Hi. I'm Kristen. Yes dad and I talk on the phone a lot. Mainly about family. I wanted to know all about mine. I know I have some half brothers and sisters out there. I've been trying to pry all the names out of him but dad either doesn't know or can't remember. Whenever I ask he changes the subject. How much weather can one man talk about? It's just so sad. Family is the most important thing after all. I guess that's why I want to meet as much of mine as possible. Someday I hope to have my own family. I imagine myself, all old and grey, standing beside my loving FAITHFUL husband on our golden anniversary while he raises a toast in my honor. Maybe we'll have a child or two standing nearby. Grandkids too. That's what I want out of life. To be surrounded by family.


CeeCee said...

Kristen's kinda cute. Not too "Cleve-y" in appearance. Family, huh? I have the feeling she'll meet a lot of her "family" as she wonders around town.

MysticSpirit said...

I think Kristen is very cute. Her little button nose goes well with her lips and cheeks. :O) 'Nother family sim, eh? What aspiration DON'T you have yet? I think you have them all now, right? ;O)

AeronwyDiobhell said...

Kristen’s so cute! Now I don’t know which of his daughters are the best looking, her or Iona. And another one who’s Romance mom inspired the child to go Family. *wink*